Yoshie Sakai creates characters that respond to and negotiate contemporary social issues of cultural identity, gender roles, and familial and personal relationships. As a subtly transgressive undercover cultural agent, she exposes the absurdities of manipulative...
Samira Yamin
Samira Yamin's practice contends with the position of the diasporic subject as both object and viewer of representation. In the studio she engages in the slow, ethical labor of cultivating a critical and dynamic relationship to photographs of war, a practice of...
Autumn Knight
Autumn Knight's interdisciplinary work primarily falls within performance, text, video, and social practices that address notions of race, gender, identity, psychotherapy, place, labor, humor and art access in a Black American context. Performance, which is at the...
SaraNoa Mark
SaraNoa Mark's practice examines traces left by time, in landscapes and in collective memory. Their practice is founded in the construction of memory and the notion that objects tell stories that memory cannot retain. Carving is at the core of their practice, in...
Brooks Turner
Brooks Turner's work begins in research. Since 2018, he has encountered thousands of documents, objects, and photographs across various archives, seeking forgotten stories of anti-fascist resistance. He then digitizes these fragments of the past, recontextualizing...
Elizabeth Alexander
Drawing from her own story, with a loving yet tumultuous working-class upbringing at its heart, Elizabeth Alexander works to unpack the social, cultural, and psychological pressures within American domesticity. Raised to see the possibility in found or unwanted...
Laura Nova
Laura Nova is an artist, educator and activist who lives and works on New York’s Lower East Side, creating festive, absurdist spectacles that unite generations and diverse communities. The first Public Artist in Residence to be embedded in New York City’s Department...
Morel Doucet
Morel Doucet's work delves into the complex intersections of cultural identity, migration, and environmental justice, particularly within the context of the Afro-Caribbean diaspora. Through ceramics, illustrations, and prints, he explores narratives of vulnerability...
Shirin Towfiq
Shirin Towfiq is an interdisciplinary artist working with an emphasis on installation, sculptural photography, textiles, and printmaking. Drawing from her positionality as a second-generation Iranian refugee, her artwork explores the complexities of belonging and...
Margaret Jacobs
Margaret Jacobs' artistic practice highlights Indigenous botanicals which hold cultural, personal and familial importance. As a metalsmith, her technical process intermingles modern steel fabrication techniques with traditional blacksmithing techniques. Her life has...
Kapulani Landgraf
Kapulani Landgraf is a Native Hawaiian multi-disciplinary artist, working with black and white photography, collage and mixed media installation. Her work is guided by her traditional Hawaiian values, language, and culture and a compulsion to both celebrate her...