The Foundation is pleased to provide residency support to Jeremy Dennis, who will spend time at the Vermont Studio Center in 2016 to develop new work.
Mr. Dennis’ digital photography often references common depictions of indigenous people from cinema and popular culture. As explained by the artist, “my work questions and disrupts social norms, popular culture references and historic narratives in relation to indigenous people. By looking towards the past, I’m able to trace the source of issues that plague Native American communities today, and work towards creating an awareness of histories and interactions between contemporary America and a seemingly distant culture. ;”
(Excerpt and images of art work below courtesy the artist and Vermont Studio Center.)
“Ghost of the White Deer” from the series, “Indigenous Oral Stories, Dreams, and Myths” 2013 – Present “Woman Chooses Death” from the series, “Indigenous Oral Stories, Dreams, and Myths” 2013 – Present from the series, “Indigenous Oral Stories, Dreams, and Myths” 2013 – Present