Heather Hart is interested in how legends form and how invention and intuition gets mixed in along the way to fit current cultural needs. She thinks of her artwork as oracles that reflect these stories and belief systems. As Ms. Hart explains, “an oracle is something that gives wisdom or truth. Instead of praying to a relic that someone else has infused with power, I want to flip the power and responsibility and create artwork for reclamation.”
Harpo Foundation is pleased to provide Ms. Hart with a direct artist grant to assist her production and development of new work.
- “The Western Oracle: We Will Tear the Roof Off the Mother,” 2013. 14′ x 57′ x 20′ rooftop, elk hide drums and interaction.
- “The Western Oracle: We Will Tear the Roof Off the Mother”, 2013. 14′ x 57′ x 20′ rooftop, elk hide drums and interaction. Collaboration with Donald Byrd, choreographer, and Quinton Morris, violinist.
- “The Western Oracle: We Will Tear the Roof Off the Mother,” 2013. 14′ x 57′ x 20′ rooftop, elk hide drums and interaction.
- “The Eastern Oracle: We Will Tear the Roof Off the Mother,” 2012. 9.5′ x 37′ x 20′ rooftop, mirror, paint, gold and interaction.
- “The Eastern Oracle: We Will Tear the Roof Off the Mother,” 2012. 9.5′ x 37′ x 20′ rooftop, mirror, paint, gold and interaction.
- “The Eastern Oracle: We Will Tear the Roof Off the Mother,” 2012. 9.5′ x 37′ x 20′ rooftop, mirror, paint, gold and interaction.
- “Build-A-Brother Workshop,” 2009 doll skins, stuffing, interaction.
- “The New Numinous Negro,” 2010 plaster cast, gold leaf, exchange.
- “Hermes and the Rooftop,” 2012 photo, paint, drawing, gold, paper, interaction. 33″ x 20″