Harpo Foundation is pleased to provide support for the residency of Mexico City-based artist Fritzia Irízar , who looks at the emotional, economic, and cultural values assumed by objects, interrogating the systems that propagate, authenticate, and sustain such readings. During her summer 2016 residency at Headslands Center for the Arts, Irízar will develop and exhibit “Golden Green or Greening Gold,” a new project examining the relationship between gold mining and bird populations. This project throws into relief the long-term and disastrous effects of the global mining industry, which has literally re-shaped and poisoned the environment and devastated, killed, and forced the migration of massive numbers of bird species.
(Excerpt and images below selected from grant proposal and artist’s website. All works are copyright of the artist.)
“Untitled (Illusion and Disappointment II) ” Gold sheet Infinite series 2011 “Untitled (Powder)” Powder on paper Five pieces ($20, $50, $100, $200, and $500 peso bills) 2.36″ × 5.91″ each 2005 “Untitled (Wall) ” One dollar bills, glue, plaster” 157.48″ × 98.43″ 2004