The Foundation is pleased to provide residency support to Annesofie Sandal, who will spend time at Santa Fe Art Institute in 2016 to develop new work.
Ms. Sandal’s art work explores the space where the personal and private sphere merges with the public and collective. The artist writes, “I look to create occurrences in which various related sources of identity, culture, memory and emotion come together and opens up a feeling of being connected to history, society and each other.” (Excerpt and images below selected from grant proposal. All works are copyright of the artist.)
“Mixed Paper,” Video stills, 2.59 minutes, 2015 “The Eternal Occurrence of the Same,” Used cardboard boxes, mirror foil, graphite on cardboard and LED light. Rooster Gallery, NYC, 2014 “Room with View,” Cardboard, foil, clay, coins.